How I Host This Website
How I host this website, briefly explained.
The Code
This is a static website built using Jekyll, which I came to learn is a great tool for building static websites because development is fast and responsive. The site can be served locally for an immediate feedback loop:
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
The source code is stored in a public GitHub repository so feel free to take a look.
I’m using GitHub Actions for the CI/CD pipeline to automatically
build and deploy this site to its hosting servers upon merge on
The pipeline can also be examined in the source code.
Domain Name
The main idea of a name system is to provide a way to identify devices using names that make sense to humans. I for sure don’t want to remember the IP addresses hosting this website so let’s pick a registrar and register with DNS to let our machines do the work for us.
I’ve chosen Google Domains. We can see this by querying DNS:
whois | grep Registrar:
Registrar: Google LLC.
Great. Now we need some IP address(-es) we can use in our resource records.
They say Firebase is there to help both small and large enterprises to run their apps. I can’t say I’m the target audience… however given their Free Plan I won’t say no to at least trying it out – which I suppose is the point :).
I was pleasantly surprised how easy and seamless it was to onboard Firebase. I used their CLI to setup the project in a matter of minutes. You can follow the setup guide to try this out for yourself.
I have configured Firebase to deploy the contents of
the Jekyll build output directory. After doing a build locally we
can emulate what Firebase thinks the website looks like according
to the build artefacts:
firebase emulators:start
Upon initialisation Firebase helped generate the GitHub Actions
file which I used as a basis to setup automated build &
deploy, however I needed to tweak this – specifically the build
stage – to make it work with Jekyll. It paid off quickly though as
the automated pipeline builds and deploys to Firebase upon a merge
on main
Firebase also makes it straightforward to integrate its Hosting with my domain by giving me two IPv4 addresses I can use. We can verify that by looking it up in DNS:
host has address has address
For now I’m only using Firebase Hosting and Firebase Analytics but I’m pleased with the experience and tooling so far.
GitHub Pages
This is a simple and straightforward one. As I was looking for ways to build Jekyll using GitHub Actions I came across Anyone on GitHub Free can host their public GitHub repositories on GitHub Pages.
Similarly to the setup with Firebase we can use GitHub Actions to build & deploy to GitHub Pages automatically.
By default the hosted site is accessible under
though it would be nicer if it was under
instead. GitHub Pages expects custom domains to have a CNAME
definition in DNS; unfortunately we can’t add CNAME records, and
keep Firebase IPs, for the root domain so I’ve defined a subdomain
instead. We can verify this:
host is an alias for has address has address has address has address
Static website built using Jekyll. Source code and CI/CD pipeline in GitHub. Hosting done with Firebase and GitHub Pages.